Lavender Lush


Lavender is most commonly known to relieve stress and promote calmness. We created this arrangement with the intent of sending peace and well-being to others. Each arrangement will include dry pieces of lavender mixed with lavender roses and light blue seasonal flowers. The Lavender Lush is a top pick for many. Pictured in an accent decor vase. Vase may vary based on availability.

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*Substitution Policy *

In some instances, our photos may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot exactly be replicated.

Occasionally, substitutions of flowers and/or containers happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions which affect availability. If this is the case with your order, we will ensure that the style, theme and color palette of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

If any design elements are of major importance to your order, please include them in the florist instructions at checkout or contact us directly at (858) 278-4220. We will always do our very best to get a hold of you and let you know about any substitutions beforehand.

Product price: $65.00
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Due to the high volume of orders for Valentine’s Day, we cannot guarantee delivery times. We apologize for the inconvenience and are trying our best to ensure everyone gets their order as soon as possible. If you placed an order for pick up, we will call you as soon as it is ready.